Thursday, February 25, 2010

Scholarships for the needy

By Koon Yew Yin

I wish to offer scholarships to 50 poor students for the next academic year to study finance and accountancy in University TAR, Kampar, Perak on the following conditions:-

1. Each student’s family income should not be more than Rm 2,000 per month.

2. Students will be selected more on the basis of their financial need and not merely on their academic achievement.

3. Each scholarship is worth Rm 20,000 which should be enough for each student to cover the cost for the first year foundation course and the first semester of the degree course in finance and accountancy until he or she secures the PTPTN loan. This Government loan is given to all students irrespective of race and financial position who are doing a recognised degree course.

4. Students who receive my financial aid do not require to pay back the money or work for me after they graduate. But I want them to promise me that they will help other poor students when they have graduated and are financially solvent.

U TAR takes in students in January and June every year. Students who are currently doing SPM can submit their applications to U TAR this October with their forecast results to start in January 2010.

Needy students who are currently doing SPM or have passed the SPM can submit their applications to me:

Koon Yew Yin,

27, Lengkok Harimau,

31400, Ipoh, Perak


Mr Koon Yew Yin's Note to KS Chong

Please kindly help me find poor students to accept my scholarships offer as attached. It cost so little to produce graduates and you also can use the same trick to produce more when all of us are gone. As you know my parents could not afford to send me to University, I would be flabbergasted if I had such an offer.


  1. Hello Mr Koon.
    Someone had just forwarded this email to me & it touches my heart to know of your generosity. May God continue to bless you & all whom you bless in return.

  2. Mr Y.Y. Koon,
    I read about you in yesterday's local newspapers, the Daily Express page 7 with headline: "Multi-millionaire's advice to tycoons: cannot take those million$ to your grave" .. Then I check into the Internet to find more on your annual grant of RM1 million to deserving students for study at Utar .. Your RM30m to the uni to build a hostel for the needy students .. as founders of IJM, Gamuda and Mudajaya, Ipoh Garden etc .

    You are a most generous, 77-yr-old philanthropist with the best Malaysian spirit to promote and cultivate EXCELLENCE within your resources. You have my greatest respect. I pray more Malaysian millionaires will come forward to follow your lead in helping the educated poor to gain excellence.

    Please visit the Don Bosco Children's Home (an orphanag) internet site at May be you can consider helping this orphanage in whatever tine way you deem proper and appropriate.

    The undersigned will be writing to your residential address soon, giving you some details on DBCH orphange. The undersigned has been helping DBCH for the last 3 years .. The DBCH internet site is maintained + all photos taken by the undersigned.

    May HIS blessings drizzle more on Mr Koon and
